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Brow Lift in Sarasota and Tampa

A brow lift (forehead lift) is a surgical procedure designed to enhance and open the eyes, reducing the tired, angry, or sad look from a drawn creased forehead. This procedure lifts the brow and removes excess tissue and weight from the upper eyelid area. 

If you are in Tampa, FL, consultations with Dr. Holcomb, Dr. Kreithen, or Dr. Salzman will occur at their Tampa office. However, the brow lift procedure itself will be conducted at our Sarasota office.

Please visit this page if you're interested in a brow lift consultation in Tampa. 

How Much Does a Brow Lift Cost?

At HK Plastic Surgery, the cost of a brow lift ranges from $4000-$6000. Please note: Each plan is customized to individual situations and includes facility fees, IV sedation, medication, and post-operative appointments. 

Schedule an appointment with the doctor to discuss the details of your surgery, and he will provide a customized plan and quote for you. 

Abilities of a brow lift 

  • Reduce sagging of upper eyelids
  • Open up the eyes for a more attractive appearance
  • Tighten excess forehead skin
  • Smooth wrinkles from brow
  • Lift the eyebrows
  • Improve crow’s feet
  • Lift and re-position the brow line 
smiling woman with hand on chin and hand on chin

Before & After

Brow lift surgical details

A brow lift procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure under I.V. sedation. While the surgery will generally take between 1 and 2 hours, this will depend on the requirements of an individual patient. During the procedure, the hold of the muscles is released, smoothing and elongating their appearance.

The eyebrows are lifted as well, giving the face a more awakened and refreshed appearance. Combining a brow lift with other procedures such as an eyelid lift can deliver optimal results in one surgical appointment, creating a natural-looking, youthful appearance.

Brow lift techniques

Several techniques for brow lift surgery are used, personalizing the results for each patient’s specific needs. 

Coronal brow lift

Traditionally used by surgeons, the coronal brow lift begins with an incision in the scalp that runs from ear to ear behind the hairline.

Endoscopic brow lift

This technique utilizes a series of small incisions that are always hidden within the scalp. Scarring is well concealed behind the hairline, although both this method and coronal may cause a slight elevation in the hairline.

Trichophytic brow lift

For patients with an elevated hairline, Dr. Holcomb has developed an innovative technique that utilizes a small incision immediately behind the hairline. During the procedure, the height of the forehead can remain the same. Patients have the option to make the forehead smaller during the procedure.

Mid-forehead brow lift

The incision for a mid-forehead brow lift is hidden in the horizontal crease of the forehead. This method is often recommended for men with a receding hairline.

Other techniques 

Other types of brow lift methods can be utilized, depending on the specific needs of an individual patient. These include the direct brow lift (with an incision the upper eyebrow) and the transbleph brow lift, employing an incision through the upper eyelid.


Patients should expect the recovery from a brow lift to take between 1 and 2 weeks. Initially there will swelling and bruising, but this will subside over the first few week after surgery. Mild pain, tightness, and itching may also be experienced.

The stitches will be removed in between 5 and 7 days post-operatively. Patients normally feel well enough to return to work in 7 to 14 days. Strenuous exercise should be postponed for the first 4 to 6 weeks after a brow lift surgery.  

Dr. Holcomb: Brow lift specialist

When undergoing any surgery, it’s of the utmost importance to work with a skilled, experienced specialist. Dr. David Holcomb is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who has extensive experience with the brow lift procedure. He is considered an expert in the field of facial rejuvenation, co-authoring several academic articles on this specific surgery.  

In 2001, Dr. Holcomb co-authored a scientific article detailing the method and benefit of the hairline approach to browlift, titled "Holcomb JD and McCollough, EG. Trichophytic approach to upper facial rejuvenation. Arch Fac Plast Surg 2001;3:48-53."

Dr. Marc Salzman: Brow lift specialist

When undergoing any surgery, it’s of the utmost importance to work with a skilled, experienced specialist. Dr. Marc Salzman, a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience and is known for his innovative techniques. 

Candidates for brow lift

If you’re in the Sarasota and Tampa area and you’re considering a brow lift, it may be the perfect procedure for you. The best candidates for a brow lift are those who:

  • Are bothered by their sad, angry, or tired expression
  • Have excess eyelid skin that is obstructing vision
  • Are in good general health
  • Do not have any major medical conditions
  • Have realistic expectations for the surgery

Are you considering a brow lift in Tampa? Check out this page for more information.

Brow lift in Sarasota and Tampa from HK Plastic Surgery

Dr. David Holcomb is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who brings two decades of experience to his procedures. Dr. Marc Salzman is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a skilled specialist with over 30 years of experience. Plastic surgery is our main focus at HKPS, and we have privileges at local hospitals to accommodate patients needing general anesthesia and/or overnight stays. (We also have a state-of-the-art, AAAASF-certified outpatient surgical facility.) If you are in the Sarasota and Tampa area and you’re interested in a brow lift, please contact us to schedule a consultation.  

Holcomb - Kreithen Plastic Surgery & Medspa

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