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Morpheus8 Treatments in Sarasota and Tampa

Morpheus8™ is a minimally invasive skin and tissue remodeling procedure that combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology to rejuvenate the tissue beneath the skin and kickstart collagen production. Morpheus8 successfully delivers smoother, tighter, and more youthful skin with no damage to the surrounding area.

Morpheus8 can improve:

  • Facial lines and wrinkles
  • Pigmentation
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Loose skin of the face, neck, and abdomen
  • Crepey skin
  • Acne scars
woman with red lipstick on

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is the first and only full-body fractional technology for subdermal adipose remodeling (SARDS). Despite being applied externally, it offers the deepest fractional technology, allowing your specialist to target deep layers of the skin (up to 4 mm with an additional 1 mm thermal profile) to remodel the collagen and subdermal fat. 

Morpheus8 safely treats all skin types with very little potential for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Many areas of the body can be treated, including the lower face and neck (often combined with FaceTite™), targeted areas of the face, the abdomen, arms, knees, and the thighs. 

Before & After

How does Morpheus8 work?

Morpheus8 works by combining advanced radiofrequency energy technology with microneedling. This powerhouse combination means you get the benefits of radiofrequency energy (fat contouring, skin tightening, and new collagen production) and microneedling (reduced appearance of pores, scars, wrinkles, sun damage, etc.) at the same time. 

Morpheus8 laser device

Morpheus8 treatment details

The Morpheus8 procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The hand-held device involves micro-pins that work at different energies, and the anesthesia will keep any discomfort at a minimum during the procedure. Depending on your areas of concern, 1 to 3 treatments (spaced one month apart) may be necessary to get the best results. 

Recovery and results 

Because there are no incisions with Morpheus8 and the procedure is non-surgical, there is no scarring. Downtime is minimal, and most patients are able to return to their regular activities after treatment, although you should avoid sun exposure during recovery. You may experience pinpoint bleeding directly following treatment, but this should stop after about an hour. You may also look and feel as though the treated area has a sunburn. This appearance and sensation may last for up to a week. 


If you’re in the Sarasota and Tampa area and you’re considering a Morpehus8 treatment, it may be the perfect procedure for your needs. Morpheus8 is best for men and women who dislike the signs of aging on their face and body, which can include jowls, facial lines and wrinkles, and sagging skin on the face and neck. During your consultation, we will determine if you’re an appropriate candidate for Morpheus8.

Morpheus8 in Sarasota and Tampa at HK Plastic Surgery

Dr. Holcomb and Dr. Kreithen, both medical specialists, merged their two separate practices in 2014 to establish Holcomb - Kreithen Plastic Surgery & MedSpa, an in-depth medical spa offering the most advanced non-invasive lasers and procedures, including Morpheus8. We offer an extremely sophisticated, comprehensive practice with very competent and compassionate team — a one-stop-shop for all your aesthetic needs. If you’re in the Sarasota and Tampa area and you’re interested in helping your skin to look its absolute best with Morpheus8 treatments, please contact us to schedule a consultation. 

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